26,409 ù湮 : 18,060 / ü湮 : 52,463,532
() , Ǵ
ä 2007-09-07 08:24:51


(̱ 410 () Ŀ ....)


Did you know that 41 billion animals are killed for food each year in the U.S. alone?

ؿ ̱ Ŀ ̱ 410 () ׾ ִٴ ˰ ʴϱ?

In factory farms, chickens, turkeys, and pigs are crammed into filthy windowless sheds and tiny metal cages and crates.

꿡 , ĥ, ׸ â 츮 ׸ öâ Ʋ ϰ 淯 ֽϴ.

Chickens and turkeys have their throats slit while they are still conscious and are often scalded to death;

߰ ĥ ִ ä ų ߰ſ ä ׽ϴ.

pigs have their teeth, tails, and testicles cut off without any painkillers;

ƹ ׵ ġ, ׸ ȯ() ߷ ϴ.

and cows are often skinned alive.

׸ ҵ ִ ä ⵵ մϴ.

Live fish are hacked apart and crushed to death on the decks of industrial fishing boats or are crammed into disgusting fish farms for their entire lives.

ִ ݿ Į 丷 װų, ׵ ָ 忡 ư ֽϴ.

By adopting a vegetarian diet, you can save more than 100 animals each year;

äĽĻ縦 ϴ ͸ε, ų 100 ̻ 츮 ִ Դϴ.

by encouraging your friends and family members to follow your lead, you can help save thousands more.

ģ ׸ ⸦ ϵ ͸ε, õ 츮 Դϴ.


(: 2005 ̱ Ŀ뵵 (ߵ ))


U.S. Statistics for Food Animals Slaughtered in 2005  
Note: These numbers do not include aquatic animals, for whom there is no official count. As well, these statistics do not account for the millions of animals who died either on the farm or in transit.


Commercial Slaughter Statistics

Chickens: 9 billion (up 1 percent from 2004)
Turkeys: 248 million (down 2 percent from 2004)
Ducks: 27.8 million (up 6 percent from 2004)
Cattle: 32.4 million (down 1 percent from 2004)
Calves: 734 million (down 13 percent from 2004)
Pigs: 103.6 million (slight up from 2004)
Sheep and Lambs: 2.70 million (down 5 percent from 2004)
Total Number of Animals Slaughtered for Food in 2005: 10.1 billion


( Դϴ.)

Number of Animals Killed for Food in 2000
2000 Ŀ ص

9,713 million animals were killed for food in the US in 2000, according to USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service.
󹫺(United States Department of Agriculture) 輭񽺿 , 2000 ̱ 971300鸸 Ŀ صǾ.

This includes 41.7 million cattle and calves, 115.2 million pigs, 4.3 million sheep and lambs, 8,792 million 'broiler' chickens, 429.7 million laying hens, 304 million turkeys, and 26.1 million ducks.
̴ 4170 ҿ ۾, 11520 , 340 , 879200 ̿롯 ߰ 42970 , 3400 ĥ 2610 Ѵ.

The total number is expected to rise by 1.9% to 9,906 in 2001, including 40 million cattle and calves (down 4.3%), 113 million pigs (down 2.1%), 4 million sheep (down 7.5%), 308 turkeys (up 1.3%), 8,967 million 'broilers' (up 2%,) 446 million laying hens (up 3.6%), and 28.2 million ducks (up 7.4 %).
4000 ҿ ۾(4.3%), 11300 (2.1% ), 4鸸 (7.5%), 3 8鸸 ĥ(1.3% ), 89 6700 ̿롯 , 4 4600 ߰ 2820 Ͽ 2001⿡ 1.9% 99 6鸸 ȴ.

In addition to the 8,856 million animals reported in USDA 2000 slaughter reports, another 857 million, or 8.8% of the total suffered lingering deaths from disease, malnutrition, injury, or suffocation, associated with today's factory farming practices.
̳󹫺 2000 캸 88 5600 ܿ 85700 Ǵ ü 8.8% ó õ , , , ״ ޾Ҵ.

The number of 'other' or non-slaughter deaths, was estimated on the basis of hatchery reports and interviews with agricultural experts.
ٸ Ǵ ƴ ȭ ͺ並 ٰŷ Ǿ.

The worldwide number of animals killed for food in 2000 was 45 billion, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization. This included 306 million cattle, buffalo, and calves, 1.2 billion pigs, 795 million sheep and goats, and 42.7 billion chickens, ducks, turkeys and geese.
2000 Ŀ ص ķⱸ 450 . ̴ , ҳ ۾ 3600 , 12 , 79500 , ׸ , , ĥ, 427 Ѵ.
The figures exclude some small countries and 'non-slaughter' deaths, which are generally not reported.
ġ Ϲ ʴ 񵵻졯 ʴ´.




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( 2007-09-17 17:54:00 )
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( 2007-09-30 19:44:55 )
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ѱäĿ(Korea Vegan Union) | ȭ:02)707-3590 | ̸ּ: LWB22028@daum.net