26,398 ù湮 : 8,000 / ü湮 : 51,145,096
7.20(, ʺ) ȣü Ŀ ǽ ϴ ϴ.
ѱäĿ 2006-07-10 21:19:23

ٽѹ ̵ ޴ Ŀ ݴ ȸ մϴ.

7.20 ʺ ѱ ȣü ȣü ȣϴ (In Defense of Animals) Ͽ ̱ ý, ν ƴ϶, ī, ݷҺ, ij ȣ Բ ѱ Ŀ ȭ ȸ ϴ.

̳ ؼ ùε ѱ Ŀ å öȸ 츮 Ŀ ǽ ߹ 䱸ϰ ִٴ и ˸ϴ. 츮 ⸸ Դ ƴ϶ , ¿ д Ӿ д ؼ ü д뱹̸, ǿ ƹ å ˸ϴ.

Ŀ ǽ ô ν̸, ⺻  Ư ȭ ġ ߸ ϱָ, 21 ȭ ô 纸 ġ δ籹ڵ鿡 ˸ϴ.

ѱδ ̷ ݴ뿡 Ӿ ħ ܸϰ ư ٴ ݱ⸦ մϴ.

IDA Ȩ 7.20 ˸

[7.20(, ʺ) ѱ Ŀ ǽ ϴ ]

1.Ͻ: 2006.7.20(, ʺ) 11-2

2.: ȭ û Ĺ

3.: Ŀ ǽ ϴ , ս, Ÿ

4. ü(ټ):


5. ѱȣ Ǿȳ: 016-324-6477

Action Alert || Overview || Common Questions || What IDA is doing || Multimedia

International Day for Korean Dogs and Cats
IDA and other animal advocates to protest on July 20th

In an effort to shine a spotlight on the illegal trade in dog and cat meat in South Korea, IDA has again teamed up with Animal Freedom Korea (AFK) (www.animalkorea.org) to hold our 2nd annual International Day for Korean Dogs and Cats. This year's global day of action, co-sponsored by Korean animal protection groups CARE and KAAP, will be held on July 20th, 2006, to coincide with the first of Korea's "Bok days" (literally, the hot, dog days of summer). South Korea's dog meat consumption increases during this time of year because some superstitiously believe they can keep cool by eating animals who do not sweat.

Last year, IDA and AFK successfully organized activists from a dozen countries - including Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Columbia, Ireland, Mexico, Peru, Russia, South Korea, Spain and Tanzania - for this international day of protest. In the U.S., demonstrators converged on Korean consulates and embassies in New York City; Washington, D.C.; Atlanta, Ga.; San Francisco and Los Angeles, Calif.; and Portland, Ore. to oppose the illegal eating of cats and dogs in South Korea. View pictures of last year's events.

IDA extends our heartfelt thanks to everyone who made last year's International Day for Korea's Dogs and Cats so successful. Please join us again this year on July 20th as we urge the South Korean Government to enforce a ban on the consumption of dogs and cats and introduce meaningful legislation to protect the animals in Korea.

What You Can Do:
IDA will hold events outside of Korean consulates in several major American cities on July 20th to protest cruelty to dogs and cats in Korea. Please join us for this important global day of action (see below for details on the San Francisco and Los Angeles protests: more details to come on other cities).

IP Address : 
( 2006-07-14 13:15:13 )
츮 սô~!!
( 2006-07-14 14:33:03 )
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ѱäĿ(Korea Vegan Union) | ȭ:02)707-3590 | ̸ּ: LWB22028@daum.net