26,398 ù湮 : 8,193 / ü湮 : 51,145,289
5 3() ȭ ܱ մϴ.
vege.or.kr 2006-05-02 10:05:17


5 2 IDA ѱ տ ϱ Ͽϴ.

ѱðδ 5 3 ˴ϴ.

븸 ǥ ȣü EAST ȮǾϴ.

ܱ ٸ 鵵 û ̾ þ Դϴ.

ȸ , 츮 ȸ ϱ ̹ óԴϴ.

ȸ е ʿմϴ.

1. Ͻ: 2006 5 3  7 ( մż ֽñ ٶϴ)

2. :  ȭ (5ȣ) 6 ⱸ ( ȭ Ͽ Դϴ)

                 <ȭ 鼼 >                                                                             

                                             õȸ/ ѱȣ / üд


ѱ , , ѱ ȣ յΰ 5 2 ÿ Ѵ.

ֱٿ Ͼ  õ ǰ õ  ȯ Ȥ д Ӹ ƴ϶, 谡 ѱ д뿡   ʾ ̾.

ѱ Ǿ ִ д븦 Ͽ ǰ ִ ȣ ȭ ˱ϴ   ȣü ÿ Ը .

̳ 翡 õȸ ѱȣ, üд ȣü ϸ, ׸ ̱ , ̱ ü ȣ(In Denfense of Animals) ý ѱտ  Ըǽ ȹϸ鼭, ѱ ּѵ ϴ 䱸ϴ õ ī带 ̶ ϸ,  Ÿ ƽþ ÿ ̷ ǰ ̴.   

̳ 縦 ֵ õȸ ڼҿ ǥ " 󸲺ΰ ȣ ̷ д븦 ⿡ ʹ Դϴ. ̷ δ ʽϴ ٵ ̹ ּѵ dzǵ ⺻ ־ մϴ" ǰ , չȭ ؼ " չȭ å Ͽ Ѵ." ̾߱Ͽ.

̳  öâ ִ ȭϱ Ͽ 忡 ̴ öâ ġ   ȿ  , θ ۿ ü ս  ϴ dz , ׸ д뿡 ϸ ް ׾ ⸮ к ȴ.

1.Ͻ: 2006.5.3() 7 (̱ ð 5 2)

2. : ȭ ȭ鼼( 5ȣ ȭ ö 6 ⱸ)

3. 系

- ȭϱ Ͽ öâ ̿ ü ս
- dz

4. ü

õȸ  <http://cafe.daum.net/alpacafe>
ѱȣ <http://www.kaap.or.kr/>
üд <http://www.voice4animals.org>
̱ IDA(In Defense of Animals) <http://www.idausa.org/>

5. ȳ: 011-289-8886/ 016-324-6477




ƿ콺  ݴѴ. 

ֱ õ ȯ  д ϰ ִ.   츮 ̳  д븦 ġϴ ȣ   ο ȸ 䱸Ѵ.  


ѱ ⸦ Ӹ ƴ϶, ⸣ ȯ ص ϰ д밡 Ͽ. ̷ ؾ ȯ ѱ ġ̸, ̴. 

̷ ȯ Ȳ̸, ̷ д Ǿ ְ,  ȣ ̷ д븦 ִ ⺻ 뿡 ؼ ħϰ ִٴµ  ؼ ũ Ѵ.

ٵ ù°, κ  ȣϱ Ͽ ּѵ dz Ǿ Ѵ. ȸ ̳ Ƶ dz Ǵ Ͱ ڸ дκ ȣϱ ؼ dz Ǿ Ѵ. 

°, д븦 ⺻ ִ Ѵ. ƿ ִ.   ݷ, ⵿ , 赿д뿡 ƹ ó , 굿 ںϰ ϰų Ͽ ƹ ȣå ̴.

  ΰ ⸦ ʰ å ؼ ǰ չȭϷ å ϰ ʴ. å ȭǾ Ѵ. 

  츮 ΰ å ϰ,  ɸ´ ȣ ۷ιĴ忡 ´ ⸦ 䱸Ѵ. Ը10 ɸ´ Ǵ ֱ⸦ ˱Ѵ.

õȸ, ѱȣ, üд


2. IDA Protests Cruelty at Korean Consulate
IDA has long protested South Korea's notorious dog and cat meat trade, working with local groups to bring the practice to an end and urging the government to enforce existing laws that ban dog and cat consumption. Our efforts have been reinforced recently by two exposes of dog farms broadcast on Korean television which showed hundreds of dogs crammed together in tiny cages where they couldn't even move or stretch their limbs. The dogs suffered unimaginable cruelty before being loaded onto trucks bound for slaughter.
IDA's allies in South Korea believe that the dog and cat meat trade will be impossible to stop until a proper Animal Protection Law is passed and enforced. Therefore, they are focused on laying the foundation for banning dog and cat meat in their country by advocating for amendments to South Korea's Animal Protection Law. This would help ensure that abused animals are removed from cruel "owners" and toughen penalties for those convicted of aggravated cruelty to animals.    
Please join IDA at the Korean Consulate in San Francisco as we demonstrate against the cruel consumption dogs and cats and promote protection of all animals. We will be delivering hundreds of signed postcards to the consulate calling for enforcement of the country's Animal Protection Law and an end to the dog and cat meat trade.
What: Protest against South Korean dog and cat meat trade
When: Tuesday, May 2nd from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.
Where: Republic of Korea Consulate General in San Francisco, 3500 Clay Street (near Laurel Street - click 
here for a map)
If you can't make it to the protest, you can still help by clicking here to send Korean Prime Minister Lee Haechan a message urging him to strengthen Korea's Animal Protection Law.

IP Address : 

ѱäĿ(Korea Vegan Union) | ȭ:02)707-3590 | ̸ּ: LWB22028@daum.net